Understanding Google’s Page Experience Update and Its Impact on SEO

Understanding Google’s Page Experience Update and Its Impact on SEO

In recent months, Google has been making significant updates to its algorithm to improve the overall user experience of search results. One of the most notable updates is the Page Experience update, which aims to provide users with more relevant and reliable search results by considering factors such as page speed, mobile-friendliness, and HTTPS adoption.

What is the Page Experience Update?

The Page Experience update is a significant algorithm change that was rolled out in June 2021. It’s designed to measure how well a webpage provides a good user experience, taking into account various signals such as:

1. Page Speed: How quickly does your webpage load?
2. Mobile-Friendliness: Is your website optimized for mobile devices?
3. HTTPS Adoption: Does your website use HTTPS (secure) connections?

These factors are crucial in today’s online landscape, where users expect fast, secure, and easy-to-use experiences on their devices.

How does the Page Experience Update impact SEO?

The Page Experience update has significant implications for search engine optimization (SEO). Here’s what you need to know:

1. Ranking Signals: The new algorithm uses page experience signals as ranking factors, which means that websites that provide a good user experience will be more likely to rank higher in search results.
2. Algorithmic Changes: Google has updated its algorithms to take into account the Page Experience update, which means that websites with poor user experiences may see their rankings decline.
3. Mobile-First Indexing: With the rise of mobile devices, Google is now prioritizing mobile-friendly websites and rewarding those that provide a good mobile experience.

Best Practices for Improving Your Website’s Page Experience

To ensure your website remains competitive in search results, follow these best practices:

1. Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your website is optimized for mobile devices by testing it on various devices and browsers.
2. Improve Page Speed: Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or GTmetrix to identify areas for improvement and optimize your webpage’s load time.
3. Migrate to HTTPS: Secure your website with an SSL certificate (HTTPS) to ensure a secure connection for users.

What does this mean for e-commerce businesses?

For e-commerce businesses, the Page Experience update is particularly important. According to Eikeland’s research, 70% of online shoppers will abandon their shopping carts if the website doesn’t load quickly enough. With page speed being a key factor in the Page Experience update, e-commerce businesses must prioritize optimizing their websites for mobile and improving page speed to ensure a seamless user experience.


The Page Experience update is a significant algorithm change that prioritizes providing users with a good online experience. As an SEO professional or business owner, it’s essential to understand how this update impacts your website and take steps to optimize your webpage’s user experience. By following best practices such as optimizing for mobile, improving page speed, and migrating to HTTPS, you can ensure your website remains competitive in search results and provides a positive experience for users.


* Eikeland’s research on the impact of page speed on e-commerce conversions

Stay tuned for more updates on Google’s algorithm changes and their implications on SEO.
